Sunday 2 May 2010

Maktab Sains lets leadership out of the box

Hj Mat Zahri Hj Yusof (L) cutting the ribbon to mark the opening ceremony of the sixth annual Maktab Sains Leadership Camp at the college yesterday. Picture: BT/Rachel Thien

Rachel Thien

Saturday, March 20, 2010

RESPONSIBILITY is a virtue that students need to acquire, so they can practice the duty not only at schools but also at home in order to be resilient to cope with whatever difficulties come their way, the acting principal of Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College said yesterday.

The acting principal was speaking to The Brunei Times during the opening ceremony of the Sixth Leadership Camp hosted by the college

Dk Sarimah Pg Hj Ahmad related how the school initially had more than 300 students who voluntarily chose to take part in the annual event. However, the school could only accommodate about 230 students from 10 schools around the country.

"In previous years, we invited Secondary Three students to take part in the camp. However, because of the increase in the number of students due to SPN21, we can only offer those students (from both years) to join on a first-come, first-served basis."

The acting principal explained the four-day camp comprised a range of activities for students, during which they would test their spiritual, mental and physical endurance as young leaders who account for being the country's "precious jewel".

Students taking part in the exercise will be staying at the college for three nights and four days, and will have the chance to experience and explore life outside a classroom.

"Students should take this opportunity and value it, and show their inner qualities as a citizen who will make their parents, society and country proud," Dk Sarimah said, adding that students should take the camp experience as an initial step to prepare them for future challenges.

She advised the participants to adapt themselves to the "fairly compact schedule", as well as obey rules, mutually respect their peers, learn to be independent and uphold a strong sense of identity.

She added that "bullying, gossiping" and other forms of negative behaviour will not be tolerated.

Regarding the details of the camp, Dk Sarimah explained that students will wake up at 4am to bathe themselves, perform their dawn prayers and participate in the activities in store for them.

She added that students at the camp will have to wash their own dishes and cutlery after every meal.

"I believe all participants will be sure to take this life experience at the camp and use it as a platform to mature themselves and know the real meaning of life," said the acting principal.

The camp was officially opened by Hj Mat Zahri Hj Yusof, Assistant Managing Director at Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (YSHHB), followed by the students reciting the oath allegiance. The camp will conclude on Monday.

The Brunei Times